anti-semitism and the un, page-8

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    re: marcus - anti-semitism and the un yes snooks, given current birth rates jews will be a minority in israel one day.

    In your dreams your dreams.....and certainly not in your lifetime.

    The Arabs can multiply as fast as they like......even give the rabbits a run for their money......but they won't be doing it in Israel.......

    Additionally the religious Jewish families are also large...and more religious jews are emigrating to Israel......

    There won't be this insane Right of Return that the Palestinians are clamouring for.......and demographically we will make sure that we cannot be outvoted......and yes, we'll devise a way how to do that democratically.
    In fact there are some European countries who are watching us very carefully...some of them are facing a much more imediate problem than we are .........they have allowed too many Muslims in....they don't have an indigieous relious element who also reproduce other words they are in deep shit.

    They will not allow Muslims to take over......simple as that....and I can assure you their laws to counter their Islamic population explosion will be far less liberal than anything the Israelis might do.....

    So don't rub your hands with glee just yet......

    By the way......did you read Anne Bayefsky's speech to the UN?

    You's very inspiring.

    The link was in my original post on this thread...which you seem to be doing your darnest to hijack...

    So, Hi Jack!

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