sweet potato soup - with a packet of soup mix from the asian shop

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4

    watso enjoys making soups - but they have to be good soups - with good stock (made from bones blah blah) ..

    fatso watso - the eternal rtc hunter - does not discriminate - asian shops are as good a source of rtc as any other shop...

    anyway watso picked up a few packets of the following - and the ingredients were fennel , cumin, white pepper etc etc

    anyway watso cooked a good soup - with a good stock - and with sweet potato, sautéed onions and a few other things (eg curry paste/powder) - and also a packet of the above...

    mmm just remembered - watso tossed in half a packet of macaroni - but too late to remember that he likes to hit the soup with the blender ..

    anyway - watso ended up with a soup which was as thick as thick as can be - and the soup itself was making watso sweat after a few mouthfuls..

    lol lol waste not and want not .. mmm watso will get through the soup... tastes good - just a bit on the warm side
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