The end of life as we know it., page-6

  1. 1,369 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 55
    Why do Republican fans insist on projection, and dangerous warmongering with your insistence that violence needs to occur?

    " these are complete loons and criminals who also collude with the Chinese communist party."
    How many Trump campaign staff were arrested after an investigation into collusion with a foreign power? How many has he had to pardon now?

    "The Democrat policies will destroy business by over taxing and regulating everything"
    Worst case, they remove the tax cuts for the rich that Trump got through. Over taxing != return tax to historical levels, compared to historical lows. Trickle down economics has never proven to work, the greatest expansions in American history occurred with high taxation on the wealthiest individuals. This coincided with the highest average level of prosperity for the country (1950s-1970s), check out the marginal tax rates in that era compared to today.

    "Manufacturing will close,"
    It's been closing, Trump did nothing to assist, hell he manufactures all his MAGA gear in China. So much for supporting the US. And this will continue to trend as middle/lower class American's don't have the money to pay for goods to be manufactured in the US.

    "Tens of millions of extra immigrants will flood in every year."
    ohh, the scary non-white folks.. Didn't Trump finish the wall that Mexico paid for? But I think your comment is a bit of an uptick:

    "Schools will be overrun, that's if these loons keep them open."
    ..Overrun by what? I've heard Democrats wanting to fund schools and teachers appropriately, something Betsy DeVos was against.

    "Big tech and the media will win in controlling everything we read think or can say."
    So, nothing will change?

    "The stock market over one or two Democrat run terms could see the stock market fall by as much as 70% to 90% "
    Not sure I need to say more.

    "City house prices could fall by 40% to 70%, as people try to get away from crime and fighting. "
    Where is everyone moving to? As if they moved it would be to create new cities..?

    "All of the above will result in a civil war on the streets, and quite likely between states, as around 50% of Americans know that the election was fraudulent"Trump got 46% of the vote, so even if every trump voter believed the election was fraudulent your estimate doesn't stack up. And remind me which Proud boys are turning up in Washington with assault rifles? Plus, knowing suggests proof. Direct me to the court transcripts with evidence submitted?

    "The USA is the most corrupt country in the world"
    Factually incorrect, provide evidence for your assertion.

    "Luckily for American people they will be able to fight back due to many people having guns, unlike all the other countries who have taken control of there suffering people."
    Ah yes, when people need to prove their right with guns rather than evidence, you know who is on the right side.

    Pick any of the above points, and lets actually discuss it rather than throwing around wild claims.
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