The cost of NOT stopping COVID

  1. 47,954 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 650
    Many here are upset at the the cost of managing the COVID infection. There's even a thread dedicated to the cost.

    But few seem to consider the cost of going the way of the US, EU and UK who have put doubt and keeping the shop open above public health.

    Currently, the US continues to Lead the World in COVID infections (total 24 million+ people) and Deaths - 408,620 people in US counted as deceased from COVID - and many more who have been diagnosed post mortem with other causes or not allocated to COVID above the average death rate.

    Thats one hellova cost right there.

    If you've ever lost someone you love and care about or seen someone suffer through a terrible illness which leaves one unable to draw breath you'll realise just how much it costs one to 408 thousand families.

    Globally there are recorded 2,049,238 deaths directly attributed to COVID.... so the US has 2% of deaths from COVID (thanks Trump)

    Next lets look at the cost to the nation
    How many Trillion USD is that?

    And now the cost to Government by Fiscal E$xpenditure...
    and this is just a foretaste as Biden has already added a further $1.9T dedicated funding to support the damage to the unemployed and to fighting the virus.

    This is just the start....... now extrapolate that to global costs and we've only done two measures

    You can go to to compare US and Aus costs etc yourself... I don't want to labour my point.

    cheerio good people.... now stop whinging about the cost of COVID and be thankful our Fed and State Governments are actually taking a sensible stand against this dread, grave disease.

    Don;'t be fooled by click-bait or propaganda sites which tell you its all fake news.... its obviously wrong.
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