TVN 4.17% 11.5¢ tivan limited

Ann: Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report, page-21

  1. 7,304 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 403
    I see Bushveld has a TiO2, Fe project that they are waiting to develop.  Interesting comment from their website.  "following, with interest, advances in metallurgical processing used for similar deposits"

    Below from their website.

    The PQ Iron & Titanium and PQ Phosphate Projects
    The PQ Iron & Titanium Project is a multicommodity project, located 45 km north-northwest of the town of Mokopane in Limpopo Province, South Africa. The Project has a JORC-compliant Inferred and Indicated Mineral Resource of 955 Mt, with an average grade of 33.7 % Fe and significant TiO₂ (over 18 % TiO₂ in-magnetite concentrates). The project boasts some of the highest in-magnetite grades of titanium in the world and could be developed as a titanium and pig iron project in the long run, depending on the evolution of low capital intensive methods for processing the ore.

    Bushveld Minerals is following, with interest, advances in metallurgical processing used for similar deposits and exploring partnerships with technology partners. No further work is planned on the project at this stage.
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