Margaret Court, politically vilified, page-210

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    As a catholic, and practicing as go to church most Sundays unlike most here posting, I supported the pleb as it did not force priests to marry same sex couples in a church (which would have been the only reason I would have had to not support the pleb, so was happy enough to support it). And many here need to understand that a lot of catholics voted in droves to support the pleb, so too many on here don't understand that, and to be frank if you map out the areas where there was a strong no vote (i.e. those 11 areas in Sydney for example) they were areas of predominant muslim and Chinese influence - refer this post to understand that - Post #: 29511932

    These days gay couples can also be parents so for me supporting gay marriage was just a natural extension so good luck to them all. To the rest, i.e. the over the top Jim Baker religous git types who find God only after they get caught with hookers and cocaine LOL, get over it.

    However, those wanting to oppose their opposition to the issue, like Margaret Court, had every right to do so just like those in support of it, provided they are not in breach of an employment contract. It is a democracy last time I heard here. Demanding Margaret Court's name initially be removed from the tennis centre and now argue about the honour bestwoed to her achievements in sport because of her views, given she was no longer playing tennis, is a blight on the right to free speech, (i.e she was retired and a practising Minister btw). It is a democracy last I heard and her achievements on sport should be honoured, given some of the others who have been honoured in the past

    While I am here, given the annual Australia Day stuff I'll just repost my opinion from last years - Post #: 30289538 . At the end of the day, aboriginals need to help themselves and changing the date will achieve nothing just like MABO appears to have achieved nothing in aiding aboriginals to get out of poverty because at the end of the day you have to help yourself rather than want the rest of soceity to continuously feel sorry for you. I am personally over it, and for those who will about to get in arms over this post try working in the regions. i.e having done my fair share in the past, and you'll understand what I am saying especially the violence and lack of care shown by some aboriginals themselves to other aboriginals but that is something the caffe latter set of urban inner Melbourne, Fremantle, inner Sydney etc etc just don't get because they have never worked in such regions - you need to start helping yourself rather than keep delving into the past to get yourself out of poverty. Nonetheless, if we are to change the date, which IMO will only lead to another issue of injustice been raised and the reasons why aboriginals are socially disadvantaged from the left, I suggest the date change to when the Australia Act 1986, which broke our ties from the UK, commenced been 3 March. My overall thought.

    All IMO
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