us raids capture scores of iraqi baddies, page-22

  1. 5,144 Posts.
    Phill, thanks for that; however, Dave's point is that "we must take responsibility for our actions." It's a simplistic view of the world, one which also dictates that there's only black and white and that one only need to look at the surface of things:the MacDonaldisation of the mind as well as that of the body. He forgets that, particularly in America, the economy is so bad that the only way out of that poverty and unemployment is to join the army. This also gives great relief to the parents who stand by helpless as they see their kids disintegrate into items for the gutter. So these kids join the army. Good for confidence, too, if you don't get some psychotic running the country and then you get shunted to some country which you've never ever heard off, just as nothing more but to be cannon fodder! Of course, the promises are vast! Medals, pay rise, pension, honour, knowledge that you "served your king (George!!!) and country, and perhaps a good screw from the chick down the next village from yours! Oh, and perhaps even a goog photo with the King... You know the one who keeps flapping his lips about Noo kelar weapons...

    Your education heretofore had come from Oprah and your spiritual and moral education from one of the fundamentalist Christian Charismatic churches, so now you know that you're "doing the right thing" and that "God is with you!"

    You put your right hand to your heart and with tears down your cheek (still don't know whether they're tears of joy or fear) you spit out the words, "God Bless America!" The stars and stripes are floating in the wind and before you know it -you saw nothing, you felt nothing- your tank has exploded and your bits are being collected by the vultures whose shlt you've been copping all day long, every day you were there!

    And still the chimp-in-a-suit keeps yapping on about noo kellar weapons and still Halliburton and Boyeing raking in the (American) taxpayers' dollars, and still the Israelis are supporting the chimp (cause he's too stoopid to know what's going on; they'll pull him down the next election anyway-raise up another blockhead puppet) and still the DaveRs of this world atre copulating to their heart's content and voting the chimps in power... and the deaths of your own people let alone the children of your enemy grow in number and the number of the maimed or tortured grow in number and the number of the brain cells in use around the world lessen in number because depleted uranium has closed down all the schools and the libraries, killed all the teachers and the only growth in numbers is that of the war monuments and the graves. The hands on the heart tremble ever more and the stoopid lovers of nookellar weapons are still standing in front of the cnn cameras, grinning and smirking and singing proudly about some distant land called "The land of the brave and the Free!"

    I won't go on because I'll most probably puke!

    Have another fluck, DaveR!
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