technical trading software indicator, page-5

  1. 11,665 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 545
    IMO scanners dont work because how stocks behave depends on what they are and what is moving them. Candlestick charts and the human eye are the best analysis tools. It is far better to simply have a means of quickly viewing active stocks on charts and there are many ways this can be done.

    That's why I built a chart array package. You can see a snapshot of it here.

    It can display all stocks in an index or even what is being talked about on hc on a few screens. For example, at the push of a button it grabs all the stocks that are being discussed on the daytrading thread and displays them within 2-4 screens. That stats page I post on the daytraders thread regularly is a by product. From what I view I usually only pick one or two to trade (hold overnight). Volume, candlestick pattern, trend, reversal, breakout, etc. etc. are all important. There is no magic bullet in trading. Its all boils down to technique and simply knowing what a hotstock is.

    If you have Iress (essential) I can explain the technique on how hotstocks are found and assessed quickly if you wish.
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