Daniel Andrews scores prestigious leadership nomination., page-23

  1. 19 Posts.
    so it all comes down to poor implementation of contact tracing. Thats awfully simplistic. I seem to remember/you might also:
    - people walking around the Melbourne without masks or social distancing contrary to public health advice in June (public not taking it seriously).
    - Rhetoric around how it was a fake virus and "personal rights" or whatever. Or general conspiracy theories around herd immunity at the risk of lives with no vaccine.
    - many were supposed to be self isolating at home weren't and just ignored advice. when the ADF were called to enforce it, oh my lord the pearl clutching!

    the idea now that they waited "too long" is really a *** argument. they tried, people didn't listen until they were forced to, even now the adult babies are crying because they can't go to the pub. Even then the other side of politics which has a duty to criticise didn't have a plan, at all. was generally quiet. which didn't fill me with any confidence.

    I love the hyperbole is that the "harshest restrictions in the world cost victorians 800 lives" is it better to be in North Korea? US, UK, Sweden? am I correct in assuming you'd prefer to let it go and cost 8000 or more?
    the restrictions didn't kill people, the mismanagement of the quarantine system coupled with ignorance of the public taking (still) zero responsibility killed those people.
    Perhaps a national standard is best, glad we got there after 12 months of pandemic what a joke....cue the sovereign citizens...
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