we aint gonna follow orders- and that's that!, page-19

  1. 5,748 Posts.

    Judges are humans and they aslo get things wrong. Often in their pursuit for justice they are so far "wrong" it's not even funny.

    However, when a judge cops a personal experience they get a wakeup call and then they react very quickly......heaven help a drug dealer in the court of a judge whose kid overdosed......or a rapist in the court of a judge whose wife or daughter was raped.

    Sharon commented on the Israeli High Court decision...and said that the government would abide by the law. I think he means it. Personally I think it was a bad decision.....but then I am not the prime minister of Israel and it's much easier to be an armchair critic.

    Having said that, the overwhelming number of people...friends who live in Israel......both religious and not......believe that the decision will bommerang against the Israelis no matter what the intent the judges had in mind.

    Time will tell.

    I do however believe that if there are continued attempts by the Palestinians to keep on terror tactics, patience will wear then and if the only way to reign them in will be to build the most effective route for the fence, that is, make it as hard as possible for the terorists, then that's what's going to happen.

    The law will be changed.....and yes appeals by the Palestinians will still be permitted, but the laws will be much more specific...and the grounds for appeals will be more onerous.

    The Palestinians can reighn in the terror groups...if they wish.

    Now they argue that in the West Bank they can't because the Israelis have destroyed their infrastrucure....but what about the times before the Israelis did that? In fact, it's because the Palestinians did not......they actually encouraged it.....the Israelis did what they had to do.

    World opinion only counts for so much....We have a line in the sand........My personal line was crossed ages ago....but then I am here and they are there.....I would have bombed the sh!t out of Arafat and his muquata.......the Palestinians themselves deep down would have bene thankful......and I have no doubt a new breed would have risen from the ashes once they realized that Arafats yoke was no longer there.

    The PAlestinians are suckers for punishment....not because they are so brave...in fact the opposite.....but their braisnwashed has percolated to the depths of their souls.....there are alsmost like zombies, removed only by a few degrees of separation from bloody canibals.........coloquiaully speaking.

    This could have been resolved ages ago......Maybe not to everyones full liking, but it could have been resolved.....

    However as long as they talk about a right of return which on close examination is dubious to begin with......(with no parallel effort for a matching right of return for Jews who came from Arab lands....not that any sane Jew would want to go back) that is a code word for the destruction of Israel....and no one....left wing...middle of the road...right wing Israelis can or will accept.

    That makes the impasse eternal....and if that is going to be the case......coupled with the fact that teir terror campaign does not abate unless we whack them....then whack them we will.....and make their lives a bloody miserty in the process.....

    That might encourage them to leave......they are more than welcome to go to Jordan.....the first Palestinian state in the area...(why do they need a second).

    We will have our difficulties no doubt, and public opinion will not be favourable, but then we expetced it to be unfavourable.

    It usually is.......so we'll take it on the chin.

    We've done it before and we;ll do it again.....We are a resiilient lot......and I have no doubt that in the meantime the Arabs will do something stupid in their true to form way........and public opinion will turn.

    But public opinion can not be the be all end all when it comes to Israel safety.

    We are at war.......and in war one must do what one needs to to survive.

    after all, there are some 300 million Arabs in the region...and only 5 million Jews.......

    Our odds are good......we still believe in miracles...Imagine if we were surrounded by 300 million anybody elses?

    Then we'd be in deep sh!t.
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