The Vaccine is here ... [ when will I get my shot ] ..., page-63

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3942

    At the start of this pandemic, I had a woman walk in to my business and tell me that I didn't need to worry. When I asked what I didn't need to worry about, she said corona virus. I asked what she meant and she told me all the deaths being reported overseas were due to 5G. As I hadn't heard anything like that before I thought she was having me on. I almost laughed but then realised she was serious. Over coming months that conspiracy theory spread enough that mobile phone towers were being vandalised, including in Cyprus where they didn't even have 5G. Unfortunately people can be extremely gullible prefering to believe social media over science or facts such as the mobile towers in Cyprus were not even 5G.
    Almost as funny was the theory that Bill Gates created the virus so he could put micro chips in us all using the vaccine as cover. Conspiracy theories like this should be a laughing matter worthy of this humour forum - if they weren't so dangerous. I'm not suggesting people should get vaccinated if they don't want to but at least educate yourselves through sources other than conspiracy theorists on social media.

    Here is a fact. The vaccine is being heavily rolled out in the UK. Result?
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