Monday FIRST MARCH Let’s do this AGAIN, page-73

  1. 18,493 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 276
    @big e 4 1/2 weeks! Has he forgotten about you? You're not one of these late payers are ya? I do like the iced water, but food wise kebab, pizza, fish&chips, KFC, red rooster etc.. springs to mind for lunch none of this "pure" stuff this other garden speaks of. My body is not a temple, but the misses is not complaining so I don't need to complain either

    @Goblin @big e I'm a none believer, but the misses is right into it. OK wrong wording there, she is not into it but she does get messages, visions etc.. Same thing as you Big E last night some one was present in the bedroom (oblivious to me), and now she has a sense that someone has died. So the waiting game begins. The most common thing I've found with the misses is that she has this weird thing with cemeteries. Over the first years when we were dating she has told me stories about finding relatives in cemeteries she has never been before. She has this thing where she can hear the music that has been played when lowering of the dead.

    At first I though it was all BS, but it wasn’t until a time that we were riding our bikes past Brisbane South cemetery that she could hear music being played. Looking into the cemetery and seeing no one was around we, well she more than me decided to go in and get closer to it. It was playing louder and louder (according to her) but myself hear nothing. We ended up going in a fair bit to where she stopped beside this woman's grave and she said can you hear it now? Me at this time thinking she is going loopy... to much heat stroke from biking??? I don’t know. But no, only hear rustling of the leaves in the trees.

    She started to hum this tune that she could hear and i could recall hearing something similar from many years gone by. It wasn’t until we got home and did some internet searching on the grave name that we found out that the tune she could hear was in fact the tune in which was being played at the funeral.

    Another time was when we were in Melbourne and a friend of the family (hers) was buried in Keilor cemetery. They had died while we were in Brisbane and it wasn’t until we both went to Melbourne for a holiday that she had time to go and pay her respects etc... Same thing, we drove into the cemetery, the moment we got out of the car she heard this music and just pointed over a hill there is music playing. Within 5minutes we were at their grave. We didn’t even look at a map on how this cemetery was laid out, she just walked to the music.

    Well... as much as i don’t believe in these medium/talking with the dead/ etc... I do have to believe it is maybe possible... but gees it is still to this day I can not get my head around.

    She can not just walk into a cemetery and hear music, it is selective and doesn’t always happen, but it does seem to come naturally with family. She herself thinks it is weird and as much as others have suggested to her to go forth getting in touch with these senses, she is very reluctant. Her mother though has some stories to tell that make you go, OK how is this even possible?

    What a cute doggie! @Seventoe

    Well tonight's tip is brought to you buy the recycling bag drop for Jan/Feb. New app to go with it too now includes the amount of items you deposited. I thought more glass to tell you the truth, but as I always say to the misses... 10cents is 10cents now pick that bottle/can up

    DJPT 600.40

    Best of luck to all the pinners this month!!!

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