CXO Presentation @ * V-CON Lithium, page-28

  1. 2,171 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3765
    Mate you literally came in here stating that the SP wasn't likely to move until we actually started construction and then offered zero actual explanation for why when called out on that. Just drifted off on a random narrative about other companies and basically dodged the question.

    And your calling me on out ramping? (I wish Hot Copper had a proper laugh emoji). At least I have tangible measurable and real things that are actually happening right now to point to on an established company timeline. What have you got to back up your position? Nothing more than a baseless swipe at the project despite the board having kicked some pretty decent goals to date and there being a wide consensus that we are likely the next cab off the rank.

    Either put up and explain your position as to why you think the SP will not rise prior to construction commencing or shut it. It's as simple as that.
    Last edited by Kiwisfly9: 02/03/21
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