More evidence of voter Fraud. Biden Fraud, page-551

  1. 7,035 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    Re "resorting to name calling is fairly typical as you try to tag me for pointing out the inconsistencies in your posts"

    I see so comparing people to nazis and white supremacists is not name calling?

    You're so off track, I never suggested that nationalism as implemented in one country is identical to another. That's the point people ARE different. I'm merely pointing out that this is the way people choose to live when they have a choice. Nations have fought, people have fought. We are tribal essentially, for better or worse.

    Anyway, what you are describing when you talk about heavy handed government is more akin to communism.

    If BLM runs its full course, destroys our way of life and globalism takes over, we will know all about big government control. You won't think it's nationalim. All freedom of expression and choice will evaporate.

    In that circumstance, we will all be in the same boat, the only difference being I won't feel stupid for welcoming it's arrival in advance, you, on the other hand, will feel very betrayed. These politically correct movements aren't something new, the first thing the Bolsheviks did before they started murdering people, was start calling everyone they disagreed with racist and pushing for minorities to attack the innocent business community. It's all there to read and study, but you want to bang on about the almost non-existent KKK.

    Incidentally, if you doubt that BLM is a marxist globally controlled organisation, have a look at who funds them and ask yourself why its creator said "We are trained marxists". I know in Clown world, it is quite possible to believe that someone who says "We are trained marxists" has nothing to do with marxism, but let's ditch clown world for a minute, if that's ok with you?
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