Its Over, page-7769

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    ..A woman's opinion , and I respect that.

    Ironic and hypocritical that Grace Tame was Australian of the Year for her courage and her predicament, yet the Govt of the day stood still ring-fencing the same sort of abuse at women at its own backyard.

    I wonder how that goes down with women's voting preference ....
    The Prime Minister’s silence is nothing short of insulting

    Scott Morrison shared the stage with sexual abuse survivor Grace Tame. Now he needs to take a leaf out of the Australian of the Year’s book.
    Kathleen FoleyContributor
    Mar 2, 2021 – 2.15pm

    In June last year, I spoke out against the culture of silence in the legal profession – a culture that operates to protect perpetrators of sexual harassment and sexual assault. I did so in the context of the findings of Vivienne Thom’s inquiry into the allegations against Dyson Heydon.

    Later in the year, in a Four Corners program on ABC, I spoke about silence again. I said that over time, silence means more than just tolerating something - it means condoning and accepting it.

    Scott Morrison with Australian of the Year Grace Tame. Alex Ellinghausen
    Now, there is more silence.

    Silence from our Prime Minister. And it is deafening.

    He chooses not to name the subject of the allegations despite the fact that not identifying him means that speculation continues in relation to other members of the cabinet. But the Prime Minister’s response is worse than that. It goes beyond silence, it goes beyond a failure to take appropriate action.

    By saying he has spoken to that person and that person “absolutely rejects” the allegation, while at the same time not taking steps to have the unnamed person stood down, or announcing an inquiry into his conduct, the Prime Minister makes himself the arbiter of what has (or has not) occurred.

    “This man’s word is good enough for me” is effectively the response. Imagine if this was the response of Chief Justice Susan Kiefel: “I’ve spoken with Dyson Heydon and he vigorously denies the allegations, so that’s it – there is nothing more for me to see or to do here.”

    The Prime Minister’s response is nothing short of insulting.
    It helps no one to entrench the notion that women who speak out will be punished.
    Many wondered last year if I regretted speaking out. I don’t. For those women who have their own experiences to share and are wondering whether to break their silence, I can say that speaking out is a deeply personal decision and there is no right or wrong answer.

    What is clear, however, is that there is a narrative that develops in relation to those who speak out. The narrative is that women who speak out are brave but are ultimately going to pay for it, while the perpetrators and those who have protected them simply carry on with their lives. I think the time has come for that narrative to change. It creates fear. It has a chilling effect on those thinking of speaking out.

    In my own experience, there has been no “payback”. Instead, I have received an incredible amount of support. The support came from all quarters. From men as well as women. From influential people and from ordinary wonderful Australians with no “influence” at all.

    On a personal level, I have also recognised that speaking out means reclaiming power. There is power in being able to say, finally, that the way women are treated at law school or in the legal profession or in politics or in our society more generally, is not acceptable. There is power in saying “enough is enough”.

    I am not for a moment saying that there are never consequences for those who come forward. No doubt, many survivors of harassment and sexual assault have suffered enormously as a result of sharing their experiences. But what is the cost of not speaking? At a personal level, what is the toll of keeping silent, over a lifetime? At a societal level, the silence allows these damaging systems to remain in place.

    Breaking down the culture of silence means creating an environment where those who have experienced sexual harassment or sexual assault feel supported in coming forward if they want to do so. Creating an environment that provides real options for taking matters forward. It helps no one to entrench the notion that women who speak out will be punished.

    It is also important for women and men to simply talk more (and openly) about these issues. For parents to talk with their children. For there to be engagement in relation to these difficult issues in workplaces.

    The national conversation we are having right now needs to be had at the kitchen table as well as the boardroom table.
    Most of all, though, what we need as a country at this painful moment is leadership. The Prime Minister was happy to share a stage with Australian of the Year Grace Tame. She advocates for the voices of survivors of sexual abuse to be heard. The Prime Minister needs to take a leaf out of Tame’s book, out of Brittany Higgins’ book, and end his silence.

    Kathleen Foley is a barrister and member of the Victorian Bar. She was an associate at the High Court in 2004-2005.
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