TBA 0.00% 2.6¢ tombola gold ltd

Ann: Trading Halt, page-12

  1. 984 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 644
    Agree @eastwest101

    ASX compliance are doting the I's and crossing the T's and being very careful, will be interesting reading compared to the last one I for one will be having a very close look at both reports to better understand any increases in upgraded resource of the Mt Freda project. I sometimes feel Ausmex have rushed things out to the market when extra time or drilling has been needed. We have very interesting ground and unlocking its secrets is going to take time and money. The open cut mining at the Golden Mile might pay for further exploration and mining at Mt Freda, the question is will this money be put to the best use to advance shareholder value. The next 12 months could be very exciting or more of the same only time will tell.

    The writer's opinions are his own and do not constitute financial advice in any ways.Nothing here constitutes an investment recommendation nor should anything written here or published by myself be relied upon for any investment activities.I strongly recommend that you perform your own independent research and/or speak with a qualified investment professional before making any financial decisions.
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