weimar hyperinflation: could it happen again?, page-23

  1. 24,045 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 401
    It depends on your perspective.
    There is no doubt but that CHANGE is in the air. The perennial verities are everywhere in retreat.
    In the west the Churches are found to be rotten within. Islam seems to the victim of the frendziest fundamentals, even the once sure atheists are not so sure.
    The sage old 'givens' of economics are being thrown on the scrap heap of history as country after country vies with each as to who has the biggest debt. It seems there is no TOMORROW ...and if there is we could not care less. There is a crisis in both LONGING AND BELONGING.
    And just when the share market rally was developing legs along comes S&P and puts the whole of the UK on credit watch negative. Not just this company or that, but the whole of the UK. These self same S&P that rated the TOXIC DEBT as ++++++

    Thank God CHANGE IS ON THE WAY...............

    ...will it be IN TIME
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