Morrison's days as PM are numbered. Has he passed his viable use-by date?, page-29

  1. 26,879 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 176
    Many governments could have changed things"
    That's a laugh.
    You may not remember lionel Murphy.....he married Miss Australia
    many years his juinor but that is not all he was famous for.

    He was a great friend of Abe Saffron....the KING OF THE CROSS.
    Used his "GIRLS" as rewards for this and that while he was
    Australia's Attorney General in both whitlam governments
    and a member of the high court till 1986.
    Lionel always had his mates to be rewarded for favours in Parliament
    and decisions from the Bench of many courts.
    his mates were crooked cops ....right up to the very top
    plus crooked lawyers all over the place.
    His friends and cohorts were the cream of politics the courts
    The connections of Abe Saffron going right to the top of evry "TRADE"
    Those were the days a government could have made changes.
    Funny none were ever changed.
    I could do a list would be too big ....OH the names???
    Find it in the Telegraph September 16th 2017.
    Your head will come off.
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