Latest letter to ABC re Porter defamation claim, page-90

  1. 11,517 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2125
    Porter rolleyes.png!!!! - more than likely as guilty as sin and his rearguard legal action just a poor attempt to say: "Hey, if I run a case against the ABC for defamation it will look like I'm innocent." Never mind that the ABC didn't mention his name and has no case to answer.

    Slowmo rolleyes.png!!!! - from the time he was pictured getting the Pizer jab, which at the time was the vaccine reserved for people of importance, it was clear to me that he had made yet another critical, strategic error of judgement - 'let the peasants eat cake.' As you say, bellcurve: "such a low regard for the people who elected them/him." And that doesn't even go close to describing their monkey level failure of the vaccine rollout.

    Clearly, something is rotten in the State of the LNP and their, 'I fail at everything' leader. And the ballot box beckons.
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