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  1. 5,748 Posts.
    Last Update: 26/07/2004 07:01

    Fatah threatens revenge for deaths of 6 militants (more like f**k**g terrorists.....Snooker) in Tul Karm.

    By Amos Harel, Haaretz Correspondent, Haaretz Service and Agencies

    Fatah leaders have issued a statement threatening they will react quickly and painfully to the Sunday night killing of six members of their faction in the West Bank city of Tul Karm. The statement, issued shortly after the attack, alluded to a strike "deep in Israeli territory."

    The six armed Palestinians were killed by Border Police undercover troops at about 8 P.M. Sunday, approximately an hour after Palestinians fired a missile that landed in the Neveh Dekalim community center, wounding six children in the Gaza Strip settlement.

    Also in Gaza, Palestinians said Israel Defense Forces troops had effectively taken over the Beit Hanun area in the northern Strip, Israel Radio reported Monday morning. The IDF has been operating for several weeks in north Gaza in a bid to stop Palestinians from firing rockets at Israeli neighborhoods.

    A Palestinian man was killed Sunday in Beit Hanun during an exchange of gunfire between Israeli soldiers and armed Palestinians. Palestinian sources said that the man was on the roof of his house at the time.

    Meanwhile, military sources said all six militants killed in Tul Karm were members of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, affiliated with Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement, and were on their way to carrying out a terror attack. Security sources said the dead also included two Brigades commanders.

    One of those killed was Mahdi Tambouz, considered the latest leader of Fatah's military wing in Tul Karm. Tambouz had been involved in shooting attacks and attempted suicide bombings, and maintained contact with Hezbollah in Lebanon.

    Witnesses said troops ambushed a group of eight militants at about 8 P.M. A gunbattle ensued in which six of the militants were killed, including two local leaders of the group. Two others were arrested.

    Elsewhere in the West Bank, Palestinians reported Sunday night that the IDF was operating in the village of Beit Rima, north of Ramallah, and that nine people were wounded by IDF gunfire there, Israel Radio reported.
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