but anna told us it was all good!!

  1. 2,780 Posts.
    Interesting reading:

    Sunshine State beats NSW as sickest

    Meganomics Blog | June 17, 2009 | 107 Comments

    "QUEENSLAND has replaced the usual suspect of NSW as the nation’s sickest state and threatens to drag Australia into a prolonged recession.

    Queensland has by far the worst budget position of all the states, and its citizens face the sharpest fall in living standards as unemployment is forecast to almost double in the next two years, from 4.25per cent to 7.25 per cent.

    When this message seeps through to the rest of Australia, it will come as a culture shock because there will be nowhere to hide in the national recession already predicted for 2009-10.

    In the early 1990s, Queensland, and to a lesser extent NSW, acted as shock absorbers for the recession we had to have.

    They took in the economic refugees from the rustbelt state of Victoria, giving them shelter in a rising property market and, in many cases, jobs." (end)

    But wait a minute. Doesn't Federal Labor rely upon Queensland and NSW for electoral support?

    Oh dear. When was that "early" election going to be held?

    Perhaps, not right now.

    Poor old Kevin and Wayne. Looks like they will just have to bring yet another Budget down before the next election. What a pity...for them.


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