PSA petsec energy limited

one large holder selling up...?, page-3

  1. 2,915 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 121
    I still consider this a good trading stock but the sp will have to steady out a bit,
    The market certainly didn't like the recent announcement. This stock was called a bargain buy even when the sp was near $1.60,so going on that,what is it now.
    However,$5 in the future is very optimistic unless there is a huge increase in reserves and ng prices hold for a couple of years.
    If this stock has such great potential,why is the market valueing it the way it is.
    I guess if I had a large shareholding like you,I also would be trying to ramp it up and only look at the positives.
    I consider it a very disappointing stock,just like avm,which was also going to take off in a big way once the canadian listing got under way.
    I have held both stocks in the past but will not re enter until a more positive trend is evident,and that could take a while.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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