PRU 2.50% $2.87 perseus mining limited

re read march quarterly, page-13

  1. 7,123 Posts.
    I see that the "voice of illogical reasoning" is again at its best.

    The Major shareholder information is readily available for any who care to do the research.

    "takeover by a skilled institution"..... I doubt very much that MQG would allow any sort of "cheap takeover". MQG is The largest shareholder.

    Drilling IS occurring but as with any Exploratory drilling it takes a little longer than a month or so to have cores analysed and results released to the market ---- Impatience is not a desired trait for an investor.

    JORC?????..... The Perseus resource is JORC compliant - Again any research would clearly indicate such a fact.

    What IS your fascination with this "stab in the dark" $2.00 figure that you continue to espouse --- Does it have some Factual basis or is it purely an imho number?

    Lastly, imho ( In My "Honest" Opinion ) ---- I suggest that you substitute the "opinion" part of it for Factual Research..... :)


    Fishhy ( A Perseus Investor/Trader )
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Mkt cap ! $3.938B
Open High Low Value Volume
$2.87 $2.88 $2.84 $9.537M 3.331M

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No. Vol. Price($)
2 55562 $2.84

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Price($) Vol. No.
$2.87 38131 5
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Last trade - 16.10pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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