M7T 1.45% 34.0¢ mach7 technologies limited

Is $1.50 the new base ?, page-62

  1. 17,217 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8561
    "Still some way to go for a $200m market cap opportunity, eh?"

    Sure, but that statement of mine was made in October 2020, and since then a meaningful amount of new information has come to light, a lot of it markedly different to the information which existed in October 2020; and different to what I thought at the time might transpire.

    When the facts change, one's opinion should change accordingly.

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Mkt cap ! $82.02M
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34.5¢ 34.5¢ 33.0¢ $90.06K 264.2K

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1 41907 34.0¢

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35.0¢ 1736 1
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Last trade - 15.59pm 10/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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