Is God Particular

  1. 247 Posts.
    Greeting Friends
    Is God Particular?: by Pastor Byron Spears
    The following presentation is the only known live video of this amazing evangelist and man of God.

    Below you will find a link,to his other audio sermons,please take some time in your hectic lives,
    when all the world is a tremble
    Byron Spears, (1912-2013),was crippled by polio and meningitis as a young man, and experienced a dramatic conversion later in life. Often called “the Walking Bible” for his legendary memorization of Scripture, keep in mind as you listen to these Spirit-filled sermons, he isn’t holding a Bible when he quotes the Word!

    I have provided direct links below this video.
    May God bless you and open your eyes and hearts so as many as listen and believe,no matter
    your faith and background,one day find yourselves living in the great eternal universe in a life with no end.

    Is is not worth a little of your time in the miserable world to have the chance to go and do what no man
    has done before,not like some star treck movie,or via warp seed space ships,but to just think of a planet
    or galaxy you wish to go to,to see a friend,or gather some ten tone rubies for the next house you plan to build,

    Sermon starts at 2:55min,if you don't like opening song.


    God's Jewels

    God's Jewels...

    The Meaning and Remedy of the World’s Unrest

    The Meaning and Remedy of the World’s Unrest...

    1. Science and the Bible

    Science vs Scripture...

    2. Signs of Christ's Second Advent

    How can we know when the coming of Jesus is near?...

    3. When and With Whom Did Sin Originate?

    Where did sin come from?...

    4. When God Unites the Nations

    Will there ever be peace? Is it even possible for the nations to come together?...

    5. The Greatest Wonder in the World

    Is Jesus truly the Messiah? How can we know with certainty?...

    6. A Dream, a Death Decree, and a Revelation

    Can the Bible foretell the future?...

    7. The King is Coming!

    Jesus is coming again! This is not presumption or a delusion ... it is a fact. How can you be read...

    8. Family Night

    Marriage is the oldest institution that God has given to mankind. What was His purpose for it?...

    9. Seven Pillars of the Christian Church

    How do the seven pillars of the Christian Church illustrate the plan of salvation?...

    10. What the Bible Teaches About Hell

    Is hell a really place? If so will God burn His disobedient children there forever?...

    11. Passport to Heaven

    Is there a passport into heaven? If so how can you secure yours?...

    12. God's Special Day

    God set the Sabbath aside as holy at the end of Creation Week. But what day is the Lord’s Day, and d...

    13. Can the Living Communicate With the Dead?

    Where are the dead? Do they know more now than they did when they were alive? Are they in heaven? ...

    14. Invaders From Outer Space

    Who are the angels?...

    15. Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation?

    Do we really need to be baptized? Does God require this for salvation?...

    16. The Day the World Ends

    The day the world ends is the day that Jesus returns. Are you preparing for His coming?...

    17. Were the Ten Commandments Nailed to the Cross?

    There are three primary types of laws in the Bible. Find out what these are and which one of them w...

    18. Will God Hear Any Sinner Pray?

    Prayer is the key in the hand of faith, that unlocks heaven's storehouse. We need to prayer more bu...

    19. The Abiding Gift of Prophecy

    Jesus said to beware of false prophets in the last days. Does that mean that there will be true pro...

    20. Healthful Living

    God wants us to be healthy. If that is true why doesn't He just heal everybody? Why does He allow ...

    21. God's Last Warning Message to the World

    God has a message for the world. Who has He commissioned to give it? The Preacher? The Bible Teach...

    22. The Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet

    The Bible speaks of a dragon, a beast, and a false prophet. How can we identify who is represented ...

    23. The Dove, The Cross, and The Right Hand of God

    What does the symbolism in Daniel chapter 8 mean?...

    24. Knowing God Through the Sanctuary

    What is the sanctuary?...

    25. The Close of Probation

    What is probation and what does it mean for it to close?...

    26. The Great Judgment Day

    One day we will have to face God in the judgement. Whether you believe in Him or not the fact remains...

    27. Seven Facts Concerning Christianity

    Has paganism crept into the church? How can we identify and avoid it?...

    28. The Unpardonable Sin

    Is there a sin that can't be forgiven?...

    29. The Battle of Armageddon

    What is the battle of Armageddon? Where will it be fought? Who will be fighting in it and what wil...

    30. God's Standards

    God has a standard for each of us. He doesn't permit us to guess or else we'd each give different a...

    31. The Mystic Number 666

    Ever gone to the store and gotten back $6.66 in change? Did it creep you out? Why? What does the
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