May Tied 6th Warmest in 142 Years-NOAA, page-2

  1. 138 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 100

    There is no doubt that climate is changing : that is not disputed.. and it is an established fact of the earths history.... just 19,000 years ago, sea level was at least 100m lower, and back then thick ice-sheets extended over large areas of the globe that are now free of ice : it is estimated that 1000m of ice was once where Chicago now sits. Climate has changed quite a bit in the last 19,000 years !!! , and all without the help of AGW. Model that!

    The scientific discussion / uncertainty is about how significantly mankind is affecting those recent (ie last 100 years) changes with CO2 (and other) emissions.... and frankly, the science is NOT settled!

    Further, your use of the word 'denier' is offensive and mis-characterizes those who disagree with your scientific viewpoint , I quote Dr Judith Curry who said:

    “I reserve the word “deniers” for people that are explicitly associated with advocacy groups that are politicizing this issue…”

    I reserve the word “deniers” for people that explicitly reject the history of Jewish extermination in wartime Germany.

    When I see anyone legitimize the term “denier” in the context of this debate, an alarm bell goes off – “this is not a serious person”.

    To do so is to commit an unforgivable devaluation of the historical relevance of the word “denier. It’s a rhetorical tactic unworthy of anyone who wants their scientific credibility to remain above reproach.

    When the word “denier” first crawled out of the political slime, I fully expected those in science and media alike to reject it, vocally and without qualification.

    Instead, it has become mainstream.

    Small wonder that a great percentage of ordinary observers such as I begin to question that we haven’t been fed one big, fat lie after all. For the people propagating it have seemingly lost all sense of historical proportion.

    Not to mention, curious double standard.

    Outrageous buffoons like Al Gore zoom about the planet in private jets in the name of your “science”. The WWF travel agency zooms multi-millionaires around the world in private chartered jets in the name of your “science”.

    When those who support the AGW position fail to categorically reject the “Al Gores” as spokespersons, fail to categorically reject activist scams, fail to categorically reject the use of unacceptable smears ….then, and only then, will you be able to hope for a restoration of confidence in what you do. You have a long road ahead. ..."

    Bravo Judith!

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