all major Australian Banks I.T have crashed, page-47

  1. 25,523 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    Someone has got to own everything, as we the people own very little

    But anyone who says there is no such thing as a conspiracy is dumb and blind, maybe the local small company ownership can debate and decide on whether to give the staff biscuits with their coffee but all big decisions are going to be made at the top

    I was chastised on HC when I said that the Big 4 Aus banks were controlled by the Big 4 US banks and I was told that the Big 4 US banks were owned by investors so the US banks had no say over the actions of the Aus banks

    When there was an inquiry into K Packer one of the reporters was asked if Kerry told him what to do and he said -- never met the man but we all knew what was expected

    You always know what is expected and in company matters you only need above 16% shareholding to influence the actions of that company

    Benevolent dictators are very rare, they only look at the big picture, the vast population of the world have zero ability to control their own lives beyond day to day activities we all have to work within the system that is given to us as best we can but anyone who talks of true democracy is blind and dumb

    That is why the world is awash with helicopter money and we are told the economy is booming !

    Basically IMHO the economy can"t fail, simply because it is not in the big boys interest to allow it to happen

    A cynical Sunday morning viewpoint as I look out on the sunny beaches of Qld from the tenth floor

    Get out of bed and move forward as that bus is not coming
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