doubts about the china story, page-11

  1. 1,916 Posts.
    I posted this over on the Gold Forum but for those who don't read over there as it is well worth a listen/watch b/w Niall Ferguson (Harvard Historian/Ascent of Money fame) and James Fallows (The Atlantic/Journalist and Postcards from Tomorrow Square):

    Ferguson vs Fallows at Ideas 2009
    By Paul Kedrosky · Wednesday, July 15, 2009 · ShareThis

    The full video of the contentious and sharply argued “Chimerica” debate between Niall Ferguson and James Fallows at the Aspen Ideas 2009 event. The opening is a little long, so be patient and get through it.

    Also not sure if YC you have read this by Albert Edwards from Societe Generale?
    Is China the hidden Achilles heel?

    Let's not forget that China need something like MIN 7%-8% growth to sustain current levels of employment etc.

    Not surprising either that the leader HU left the G8 to sort out the "ethnic unrest" in Xinjiang b/c:

    1. It used to be part of the silk road. There is a real fear of terrorism, separatism and extremism developing in that region with believed links to those in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

    2. It also has China's largest oil, gas, coal, uranium and gold deposits.

    So strategically a very important area.......
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