masterchef, page-152

  1. 176 Posts.
    What a load of @#*@.

    How Julie beat Chris is a joke.
    An objective was put in front of all contestants and all but 2 completed that objective. Chris's dishes were complete whilst Julie's were not and they did not present as they should i.e for a cookbook photo. OK Chris's food may not have been to their liking in both taste and look but at least he finished his objective.
    Put Julie into the real world and see what would be the consequence of incomplete dishes being placed in front of real customers.
    If Chris took the same amount of time as Juile did to provide incomplete food, maybe is effort of least plating a complete dish would have been better spent on presentation and not so much quality, may have seen him in a different position.
    I'm a builder and was recently late on a government tender by 17 mins. OK we where late and possibly the cheapest but as the tender office stated rules are rules and we didn't meet the ALL of the guidelines and requirements, therefore our DISH oops I meant price was excluded.
    Lucky once again Julie

    p.s I think some posters have it right, Donna definetly had it in for Chris, did you see the poison look he got when he mentioned he hadn't put too much thought on how brown it looked, seriuosly who gives a #$&$ as long as it tastes good brown,pink or blue.

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