TPI 4.29% 73.0¢ transpacific industries group ltd

looks like a bargain to me

  1. 19,025 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 423
    Before it was suspended in february during the market turmoil it had a 1 bill market cap with debt of 2 bill.

    It is now relisted and has a 1.4 bill market cap with debt closer to 1 bill.

    Earnings are little changed and this co has a monopoly both here and in NZ.

    The risk of it going belly up are gone and its profits will increase due to the debt repayments being halved, the market has not woken up to this.

    The first tranche of debt was meant to be paid late this year but the capital raising has covered that and the next payment.
    Tpi also managed to get a 4-5 year extension on the rest of the debt.

    On top of this a private equity firm has come into play and will be holding anywhere from 20-40% of the co, obviously seeking a takeover.

    The market hasnt woken up to the fact that this company is not a basket case any longer but has much improved balance sheet and a market where they can pretty much name their price.

    We will see $1.80 in the near term or an easy 50% gain from these levels.

    I hold 250k shares.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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