investor007, well said. I wish to make a general comment. I sometimes wonder by people bother with the sharemarket. As soon as we have a few down days or the price drops a cent or two, it's armeggedon. It's true the sp tanked after they announced the employee options in June with a strike price of 50c. It takes balls to say "we got it wrong" and for the company to change its decision. This, to me, is a sign of a company serious about its business. As I've said before, provided the company delivers what it's promised then the stock will be re-rated to reflect the company's true value. Let's not get spooked by a 1,2 or 3 cent price drop. It's not for us to interpret why shareholder sell. Maybe they bought at 19c and have decided to upgrade their homes and need access to cash - they're still in the money to the tune of 100%. Let's be patient as the next month will be revealing.
My investments have timelines. For me, end of September is my critical date for ETC. Provided all is OK, then I'm a long term holder, otherwise I will divest and buy elsewhere. At this point, there is nothing to me to suggest I will need to reduce my holdings of ETC. On the contrary, I am intending to buy more as the company is undervalued and I have confidence Peter Dykes and Co will deliver. So far so good.
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