RAC 5.06% $1.69 race oncology ltd

General Comments / Chat, page-3290

  1. 56 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 12
    Good morning all,

    Just my two cents worth and trying to gain some clarity. I feel there is a huge amount of people out there that aren't being listened to and just fobbed off and thrown into a class and sneered at.

    Just for the record I am not anti vax at all, I was fully vaccinated and both my children were also vaccinated, the youngest is four so quite recently. We also had all of our required shots before heading overseas for holidays.
    i am also not a conspiracy theorist. I do not believe that the vaccine is full of microchips or some big plan to cull the human population. However I do believe that Elvis, 2pac and biggy are working on a comeback concert soon though. ( Ok wishful thinking that one, but shit that'd be cool

    im a 34 year old male, very fit and healthy. Due to my working career in the underground mining sector I have had to complete many pre employment medicals. The most recent one a month ago where I passed the lung function test with flying colours. Fortunately enough we live in Tasmania and am able to hunt wild venison for my family. My wife a registered nurse and IIN health coach grows the most beautiful vegetables in our garden and knows what we need and when we need it. We take very good care of our health and ensure our daughters are eating clean and keep very active which I am proud to say neither have ever had to have antibiotics in their lives, youngest 4 and eldest 8.

    Now my wife and I do not want this vaccine, call us selfish or evil but we do not want it and as human beings we should be able to make that choice for ourselves without being discriminated and penalized against. We have spent all of our adult life taking full responsibility for ourselves and our children and fully believe that we have armed ourselves with the best defense for this virus, a healthy immune system. I'm sure that some will say that you need more, but the data I have read say that the odds are well in our favour. Neither of us have ever been a burden on the hospital system. We have both worked very hard, have always paid taxes and medicare levies (with my mining wage it is a huge amount) we have always contributed to the local community and are respectful members of society.
    i was always bought up to respect my elders. Always open a car door for somebody, carry a woman's groceries, remove your hat when you go inside, never fart at the dinner table. The last one I learnt the hard way ! Every year my wife and I take our girls to the dawn service and explain to them the huge sacrifice these men and woman made for us, even rugging them up and carrying them down as newborns.

    Now as I said of the diggers making a sacrifice I am fully aware that we are being asked to return the favour, however and I'm hoping somebody might explain this to me but what are the dangers I pose to them if they have been vaccinated ? My mum has been vaccinated, my grandmother, my in laws and all those that would be classed as high risk around me.

    As a grown man and a father, to be perfectly honest I'm scared ( something that isn't easy to say, I'm your typical alpha male and my daughter's refer to me as their lion) but yes I'm scared, not of the virus but of the ramifications of not taking the vaccine. Being cast out of society, living on the fringe. I have so many plans, goals and dreams to share with my wife and children when our race buyout comes, together we hold a hundred thousand shares.

    i feel that people have lost their empathy, and to
    easily dismiss people's opinions and decisions. We don't have a television in our house but when we go out somewhere all you see on it are people being jabbed, mass burials, burning bodies, adolescents hooked up in a hospital bed struggling to breathe. There has become such a division in Australia now, we are no longer Australia but a group of states who are scared shitless of each other. I hear time and time again down here when a car with mainland plates pulls up, " look at these pricks bringing their dirty virus down here, they should f* off and lock the border" now that's not the Australia I know or want to live in. Now I'm sure you could say that if you had your vaccine then it would stop but I say look at the UK. Now wouldn't our premiers and media have a field day with that !!

    it will pain me that in the future my family and I will be walking down the street looking into the cafes but unable to enter whilst obese people sit there scoffing their faces all because they have been jabbed Or walking past a pub and craving a pint n parmy but unable to all whilst a person sits at the bar drinking a beer and chucking their dole money through the pokies but it's all good because they've been jabbed . I know that not all people are like that but there is a percentage. Isn't being a member of society about responsibility about looking after yourself. Not just relying on the government and everyone else. Now I'm not saying that everyone that gets the vaccine is like that in fact most aren't and most do need it. But why should those that are not vulnerable be made to get it as well. If you still get it anyway but it lessens the symptoms. As for the argument that it will mutate, it's my understanding that a virus becomes more infectious but less deadly ?
    just thought I would get that off my chest and hopefully people realize that we who don't want it aren't evil conspiracy theorists living in a commune and drinking goats blood. But real people just like you. And like it or not there's a lot of us.

    Cheers Day.

    p.s love the race forum very insightful. Dr T and team keep up the good work.

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