There's no reason for the abc to exist in Australia anymore, page-12

  1. 2,144 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 110
    The miserable left know they get a free ride via the abc courtesy of everyone else paying for it, so why would they want to close down the propaganda wing of the alp?

    The robots get their talking points from whatever gushes forth from virginia troll's virtue signaling spew hole, and that bile recharges them- take away their abc, and they are merely pesky seagulls, begging for your chips.

    One very simple victory I had many years ago was back when Open Learning began back in 94, I think it was. Well, if you studied through Open Learning back then you were forced to pay union fees. You got absolutely nothing for the union fees you were forced to pay because, you're not on campus.
    Anyway, I complained and COMPLAINED and after a year, the mandatory student union fees were dropped, thank goodness. See, we can get somewhere by complaining about how the selfish left missuses our money.

    Now I ask, what does rural Australia get from the city centric, unionized abc?

    Apart from Landline, and maybe Gardening Australia for the oldies, there's nothing.
    The rural hour on radio is not too bad (stop bleating about climate change doooom please) but, jjj plays truly awful music most of the time, yet it has the widest area coverage on the FM band in Australia. All that coverage to disseminate really awful tunes is a huge waste.
    Seriously, sell of jjj so that a business can play better music on it or, give it to SBS so they can run ads and play better music from around the globe.

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