Hi mate you could maybe suggest to him to get rid of all the ug results that are less than 10 gram meters ( i.e. length x grade), because at this stage we don't need to see those. Our general rule of thumb is that we won't mine longhole stopes less than 10 gm's because they're uneconomic. So at 10gm, we divide that by our minimum stoping width (2.5m), and then with planned dilution of 15-20% you're only looking at a 3.2-3.4 g/t stope. Covers your costs, but not by a lot. There are exceptions, but that's a simple example.
Honestly, flat lodes in an underground mine are pretty much a huge pain in the a$$$, because you can't use gravity to assist you. You either have to use room-and-pillar or cut and fill mining, both of which are slow and expensive approaches. Clearly higher grades are going to alleviate and offset the higher cost to mine flatter lodes to some extent, but I would prefer to see more consistent 15-20 gm results tbh.
It's only a few holes that were reported, and the drilling is still quite widely spaced, but christ they are a painful company to follow at the moment.