It's time for Labor to govern

  1. 1,614 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 79
    I am an old fashion conservative who in my youth like many people on the right was a progressive fighting for workers and human rights.

    These days, in my later years , I just hate minorities imposing their way of life on the majority....Yes woke is sh*t...and is radioactive poison meant to destroy Judo-Christian civilization.. Therefore I am a redneck in defending my culture and way of life.

    Today the prime minister said in parliament that he goes by what his advisers say... That is wrong ...
    There is a quote by J B Hughes : "If Moses had been a committee the Israelites would still be in Egypt"
    I say if Churchill listen to his advisers...Hetler would have won the war...
    This prime minister, like the Premier of NSW, is under pressure, and not handling the Covid War well... The LNP in general is a tired coalition unable to handle this dangerous situation.. They are doing the opposite of what John Howard done..
    Little Johnny never listen to advisers with Tampa or Guns ..He put on a bullet proof vest and put his foot down...
    Today, we have a prime minister who allows billions of dollars to be added to the national debt, listen to weak pathetic bureaucrats....failed to control Covid 19 or set up proper quarantine..He believes in miracles....
    Well no miracles are going to save us from Covid death, sickness, and financial disaster...
    We need a new government. Labor had the courage to open detention centre all over the place to control the flood of boat people. They dealt with the GFC in a reasonable manner..
    I think they are capable of saving us from Covid 19 and set up good quarantine.. They have a small. Number of woke activists in contrast to the greens..
    Thetefore, if Albo distance himself from the militant Greens, he should lead our country..
    Come 2022, I will be voting Labor. For I do believe Scott and Gladys have lost the plot and are causing pain and suffering to the Australian people...
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