Bank of Japan Ends its Massive QE that Started when Abenomics Became Economic Religion of Japan, page-5

  1. 2,951 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 517
    Dub, Infose,
    I think it is abundantly clear that this is a co-ordinated central bank tapering of (though they will never admit it) a flawed financial system, before the whole thing implodes catastrophically, which may still happen. Politicians will continue to feed the mainstream media in their respective countries the usual drivel to keep the wool pulled over the eyes of the sheeple. I doubt very much that the RBA would have started tapering it's QE program before consulting their financial masters in the US.
    Equity markets appear to be in the process of rolling over and it will be difficult to let the air out of the bubbles (that have been so grotesquely inflated) in an orderly manner once the punters realise the rug is being pulled out from under their feet and they rush for the exits en masse.
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