MCO 0.00% 2.1¢ myeco group ltd

has ng converted his options yet?, page-5

  1. 2,412 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1004
    pistolstar, I expect that some of NGs options have already been exercised-by GSE as surely some, if not all, of the options they obtained were his. Not many holders of 5mil options around.
    And far from GSE needing to have NG guarantee he could afford to exercise his options I am sure he was the one wanting and getting a guarantee that they would immediately convert. For NG to let someone on board for 5 mil shares( when oppies converted) at 20c each there needed to be big upside for MCO. Try and buy 5 mil shares on market and see what your average price would be- a damn site more than 20c I reckon!!
    So if they indeed were NGs options traded he would need around $2.5mil lying around to convert the rest. I don't have a clue as to his financial position but seeing he bought the bulk of his shares on market at considerably higher than todays prices he must have been a damn clever merchant banker to still be sitting on that sort of cash.
    And remember the payment he receives from MCO wouldn't even pay his kids school fees.
    He has done a great job so far in resurrecting a parlous position as of last Nov so maybe it's about time us option holders did our bit!!

    Cheers Mal
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