The pitiful and warped psychology of anti-vaxxers, page-76

  1. 56,496 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 255
    I just don't understand why anyone of reason would not understand that the vast majority of hospital admissions and deaths from COVID are from the unvaccinated in the U.S.

    The chances of dying from the COVID, far outweigh the chances of dying from an adverse effect from the vaccine.

    It's 1 chance in a 1,000,000 and all vaccines have risks.

    Looking outside of vaccines, think of pregnancy, birth and many other medicines and operations.

    Some are dying from the ingestion of peanuts.

    Risks are all around us.

    It's that simple and I personally don't care if a few of you don't get vaccinated as everyone I know had had their shots or about to have their first or second.

    I personally do understand the liberty debate regarding vaccine passports - room to move here but some who aren't vaccinated may not be able to go to large events or experience international travel without quarantine and a clearance 72 day certificate stating that you don't have COVID. The whole mandatory business, I believe to be wrong and everyone needs to do their shopping yet those who oppose vaccines may never be able to visit their elderly parents or be ostracised from certain social groups like tennis clubs, gyms and perhaps, some pubs and restaurants - the types of places where you'll be close to others - for your protection and mostly, for others. The use of forgery on these type of documents also concern me, together with obvious privacy issues. Then we have a registered political party spamming many of us with false information - more concerns and soon enough, we'll have another minority government locked into a vacuum for years to come.

    It's a that will be cost again dealt with by business.

    Another divide in modern Australia.

    Another bloody problem, but in the real world, a huge majority are not at all concerned about vaccinations and potential future boosters - it's what comes afterwards that may be a major cause of isolation and disunity, and for sure and certain, we have no current leadership that will steer us into any form of belonging atm.

    Last edited by fluffynymph: 15/09/21
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