Australia goes full rogue

  1. 47,569 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Australia's appalling treatment of a former strong ally in France has forced it to withdraw its ambassador in just the latest in an ever-increasing list of grossly irresponsible, rogue nation behaviours by Australia.

    Under the Coalition and since 2000 our rogue actions include:

    . Illegal invasion of Iraq and live televised public execution of Saddam Hussein.
    . Oil / cash for wheat scandal with Saddam Hussein.
    . Shafting East Timor over oil/gas in the NW Shelf.
    . Infantile spying on Indonesian leaders - exposed and handled very poorly due to Abbott's gross incompetence.
    . Slashing Australia's overseas aid budget.
    . Gifting naval patrol boats to Sri Lanka to allow it to exterminate Tamils.
    . Treating asylum seekers as terrorists, indefinite illegal detention in offshore concentration camps - similar to what the US does to those it inters in Guantanamo Bay.
    . Trashed our relationships with Japan by rejecting its submarine proposal after first encouraging it.
    . Trumpeting Trump's gross and intentionally offensive war of words against China as Covid19 emerged as a pandemic - alienating China
    . Without consulting the Australian People Morrison is now looking to sign Australia up to hideously expensive and environmentally disastrous nuclear powered submarines.
    . Corrupting the OECD by installing a former MP known for environmental terrorism.
    . Undermining the United Nations - refusing to acknowledge its expertise throughout the pandemic - echoing the Trump line.
    . In further offence to China and without even consulting Parliament, Dutton and Payne have invited the USA to treat Australia as if its Pearl Harbour.

    . Much more still to come

    Clearly, it's a horror story as the Coalition transforms Australia into a modern version of North Korea but with much greater financial reserves.
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