The unvaccinated have more to worry about than movement restriction, page-17

  1. 25,636 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    I think that Annastasia has little to do with it

    A combination of things
    Qld is sparsely populated with the smaller population spread over a larger area
    Houses and public building are much more open and allow for better ventilation
    I used to joke to my southern friends that they lived in the sickness capital of Australia as they always appeared to always have the flu or a cold.
    Warmer allows also for more outdoor activities without crowds
    Sunshine with it's Vitamin D

    Incidentally according to the governments own legislation all public buildings should have been fitted with LARGE exhaust fans to extract more air out then what could come in to produce a negative pressure

    Has this been done NO NO NO

    So IMHO politicians can make this Virus worse by not doing what they should be doing but are unable to make it better
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