China learnt well from Western powers

  1. 44,696 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642

    Yes, Xi Jinping is challenging the order. He wants China's position in the world respected and recognised. The order remains Western dominated with Europe and the United States monopolising leadership.

    That does not reflect a world where China is the biggest engine of economic growth and is building military might to match. That so-called status quo can't hold.

    But to call Xi a revisionist is simplistic and lacks an understanding of China's history and the broader strategy of the Chinese Communist Party. This analysis smacks of a eurocentrism that views the world from the prism of the centrality of Western power.

    The "status quo" powers like the US have made the rules and broken them to suit. China has learned well from Western powers.

    Whatever I can make of Biden, Morrison or Johnson, I don't think anything will change what China is set to become.

    there is the thought that Biden could be building up multilateral naval support since coming into office in order to prepare for a OK Corral shoot out in true wild western style... reportedly due to China's annexation of most of the South China Sea and changing the manner by which shipping is policed in the trans-global trade sector.

    I've not heard the alternative to this elsewhere, only a possibility and not imo, could they shoot-out be over China's seeming inevitable rise to dominance over global governance.

    If China was to become such a superpower economically the nation could also extend that to military puissance and then political dominance.

    So what say you to a world controlled by China.....
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