Background story to CV19 / HCQ and IVM treatments, page-4542

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 496
    I have only been following this thread and what has been going on the last couple days since a mate of mine used my scenario as a example on here.

    Ill start by a saying a few things. I honestly do not believe taurisk has said anything out of order and has only retaliated to some of the things said to he/she.

    I started reading from when they described there situation in the u.k with there grand daughter. first lets say bless her soul and hope she is recovering well. secondly to all the people I see on here replying, Taurisk also said "how they had to bury there daughter". First comments should of been condolences to your losses, losing someone you love and especially a child, I have 4 children my self i hope I never need to go through that pain in life so god rest her soul and hope she has found peace.

    then we all raive on about being one eyed? you are all christian or catholic or of some religious right which is your choice as no one put a gun to your head either and all seem to be crucifying this person for there choice?

    I have just sat back and read and listened to both parties and yes everyone makes sense. I will put on record I am fully vaccinated with Pfizer so no denying that to anyone as is my wife also.

    Did we choose this because the TV told us, no we did not I chose it because in my mind is the right thing to do. I am responsible for my decisions not the gov, not my partner, not a commercial on tv but my choice. In life we have gone through relying on doctors, scientists, specialist to diagnose us the best prescription or plan to get better and not all go to plans a simple knee operation doesnt go to plan and that is there profession. We do not go to a plumber or a electrician and question there work do we when it is not your own profession?

    We take tablets, medicine prescribed to us for all types of illnesses and do we really know what we a putting in our mouths? I know I dont

    I listen to junkies come in daily and people I know are taking drugs, they saying they dont want to put a vaccine drug in there arm? really you put pills and stuff up your nose daily and you feel its your right to know wrong and right. But again this is there choice and I respect there opinion.

    Right now the statistics are not there long term of course not . but the 100's of millions of people out there taking the vaccine are getting back to some normality. maybe due the vaccine ? maybe not? but the world wants to get back to some normality and if helps me and at all gives me a chance to not pass on this serious disease to father( who has asbestos to the lungs and cancer). then guess what I would be willing to take that chance for the one I love even if its a small percentage.

    I have many friends that will not take the vaccine that is there choice and I totally respect that and there opinion and totally respect everyone's opinions on here your all entitled to them.

    But some comments of your "brainwashed", "doctors are gagged" come on people there are hundreds of thousands and millions of medical people out there that would be thinking its the right way also. Yes we all have a right to be sceptical with our help and again this is your choice and right to do so.

    I hope one day we can all look back at this and say wow that was some crazy times. I pray that everyone that has taken a vaccine will be healthy and survive and live a healthy life, I pray that everyone that chooses not to does this also and we can all live again not judging each other thats the devils work not gods.

    Do I disagree the media and news is crap? bloody oath I do its full of crap and they only show you what they want. that is with any article or topic in life they choose to pick the eyes out of.

    some of you on here should read over your comments because there sometimes preaching and so full on that your forcing your opinions onto others also.

    Everyone has a choice in life to make there decision and to take a vaccine or not to take it lets not go shot the person for doing either one. God does not want anyone to disrespect people that way of any kind or sorts.

    I have said my peace and sure there is plenty of spelling mistakes and miss pronunciations and apologise for that in advance smile.png.

    Peace out and I hope we can all live in some harmony one day together again vaxxed or not and with out all the conspiracies in the world. (pigs might fly) but we can only wish and pray.

    GRUNT wink.png

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