understanding, empathizing and dying

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    Understanding, Empathizing and Dying
    by Emanuel A. Winston
    Sep 01, '04 / 15 Elul 5764

    This just in! August 31st, two buses (#12 and #63) in Be'er Sheva, Israel, were blown up at 2:55pm with a total of 16 dead and 100 injured, several critically. Victims mostly teens. Last day of vacation. School starts the next day. Two homicide bombers were from the South Hebron Hills area, where there is no security fence.

    We are awaiting word from Shimon Peres and Peace Now. They are expected to inform the Israeli people that if the Jews had not settled in Israel, the Arab Muslim Palestinians would not be forced by frustration to kill Israelis anywhere in the Jewish State.

    We are awaiting word from Prime Minister Sharon pledging to accelerate the Gaza withdrawal/surrender/abandonment - as a severe lesson to the terrorists.

    I have listened ad nauseum to Left-Liberals tell us how we must 'understand' the grievances of the Muslim Arab enemy. How we must reach out to win their hearts and minds. How they are really just ordinary people like you and me. There is a film being released in England that shows how terrorists - including the flying suicide bombers who crashed into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania - were ordinary, even likeable, fellows.

    Well, dear Liberal friends, I think I understand why they would want to kill 3,000 American infidels (non-Muslims). I think I understand why they would ambush a family on a road in Israel and then calmly walk over and put bullets into the heads of the pregnant mother and each of her four screaming little girls. Clearly, the terrorists were "making a statement" they thought should be understood with sympathy for their cause.

    When terrorists ambushed Americans working to re-build the services in Iraq, dragged them around, burned their bodies and hung them from a bridge to express their deepest feelings with cheering, one must "understand" their motives. When one observes the sawing off of Daniel Pearl's and Nicholas Berg's heads, your heart must go out to the Muslims who are 'reluctantly' carrying out the decapitation, with all the guilt they must be feeling.

    Just imagine the guilt and trauma Yasser Arafat must have felt when he ordered the execution of American Ambassador Cleo Noel and the French Charges des Affaires in Khartoum by Arafat's Force 17. Those orders were given directly by Arafat via telephone and caught on tape by the Israelis.

    The pro-Arab US State Department felt so badly for him that they suppressed the tape intercept given to them by none other than Ariel Sharon. They didn't want to accuse Arafat of murdering Americans and make him feel badly. I suppose I could offer thousands upon thousands of stories in which terrorists committed heinous murders and their intended victims were supposed to 'understand' why they had to die.

    I recall when Arafat was marauding in Beirut, he had his 'misunderstood' terrorists use the Roman torture technique of being drawn and quartered - only he used four cars to tear his victims into four parts. How 'understanding' the Liberals and Peace Now were, knowing that with a little kindness, Arafat would have realized that what he was doing was wrong and would have stopped - or at least buried each torn-off limb.

    But remember, Arafat was kicked out of Jordan by King Hussein into Lebanon for the same behavior. Surely, King Hussein just didn't 'understand' Arafat's sensitivities as well as Yitzchak Rabin, Shimon Peres, Yossi Beilin, et al.

    In Lebanon, Arafat established a terror state and set off a 12-year civil war, in which 100,000 Muslims and Christians killed each other in vicious ways. Somehow, we Americans - or at least the US State Department - understood Arafat's need to kill, so we stopped Ariel Sharon from wiping out the PLO army and escorted Arafat safely to Tunisia with his staff and their arms.

    But we really ought to understand his deep conflicted motives that causes him to murder. And if we understand, then we have to let him express himself because that's just the way it is. He had the right of the pursuit of happiness, right?

    But some Jews also had remorse and pity, so Rabin and Peres brought Arafat and his leaders back from Tunis in 1993. They also 'understood' that Arafat had grievances and a yet-unfulfilled destiny in completing an intifada; it was just up to them to offer up the Jewish victims to ease his frustration.

    There was a time in 1982 when Israeli soldiers captured a hospital in Beirut, Lebanon, having driven off Arafat's Jihadists, and found corpses of Christian Arabs stacked like cordwood in the halls - completely drained of their blood. They were used for transfusions into Arafat's wounded men. How can the Liberals complain about not saving Arafat's wounded in an act of mercy?

    One must 'understand' and reach out to Arabs to teach them mercy and love of their fellow humans - even if we are considered infidels by the Muslims among them. That's how the Muslims view both Christians and Jews - as the other, as the non-believers. All non-Muslims are considered fair game to the Jihadists and we can't interfere with their unrelieved frustrations.

    Think of how understanding Rabin, Peres and Beilin were by sacrificing fellow Jews as they reached out for the hearts and minds of Arafat's Palestinians through the Oslo Accords, surrendering seven prime cities in Israel's heartland to the resurrected PLO and the fading Yasser Arafat. Rabin, Peres and Beilin gave them guns and bullets. Despite the Camp David Accords, Egypt smuggled in explosives and advanced weapons to the Arab Muslim Palestinians - weapons that were illegal under Oslo. The world 'understood' and accepted the canards that Israel would get "peace for land" if they merely restrained themselves and did not retaliate. How the Leftists proudly marched for Arafat and his Muslim Arab Palestinians. Clearly, they 'understood' how to reach Arafat's heart and mind. He always received them with warmth and embraced them.

    Rabin, Peres and Beilin later admitted they did not expect that Arafat would keep his commitments under the Oslo Accords and, therefore, knew Jews would inevitably die for their gesture of persuasion and 'understanding' of Arab Muslim Palestinian frustration. After all, it wasn't their fault that Arafat broke every single line of each successive agreement. After each horrific suicide bombing, these 'understanding' Israelis closed the borders for a few days to placate angry Israelis and promptly opened them shortly thereafter for more killings of Jews. That gesture, of opening the gates to Palestinian terrorists, continues as a doctrine of sympathetic 'understanding' by Israel's government to this day.

    Surely, the relatives of the terrorists' victims just didn't 'understand' what such noble leaders as Rabin, Peres and Beilin, followed by Barak, Netanyahu and now Sharon, were doing in appeasing and pacifying the Arab Muslim Palestinians. Israeli victims and their families could never 'understand' how noble their sacrifice was for the 'greater good', as did Rabin and Peres and now, Sharon.

    Yes, we must 'understand' why terrorists of Islam must be 'understood' and reached out to. We must not hunt them down and kill them on the spot. We mustn't torture them for information on the identity of approaching suicide bombers or question them about where explosives are planted. Israel must not kill Yasser Arafat while there is still time to "turn him to the good side", or so says his handlers - the US State Department.

    Americans are told that they must continue paying Arafat $200 million of their tax dollars each year to keep his spirits up and we must not insult his enablers, the pro-Arab State Department, as they struggle to prepare yearly reports for Congress, assuring Congress that Arafat is doing everything he can to stop terrorism and, of course, not pocketing the money for himself.

    We must strive to 'understand' that the 9/11 terrorists, the Mujahadin who are attacking American soldiers in Iraq, the Taliban Mujahadin who are attacking our soldiers in Afghanistan, the myriad of Arab Muslim terrorists who attack Israelis on an almost daily basis - all are simply ordinary Muslims and loving guys and girls who are merely 'misunderstood' and expressing their justifiable frustration.

    The recent 9/11 Commission's Report suggests that, instead of retribution, we must reach out to the Muslim Arab world to win their hearts and minds - or so says Lee Hamilton of the 9/11 Commission.

    Humanists, called Left Liberals, 'understand' that we must study the reasons why these 'ordinary, decent folk' want to kill us. Above all, we must not kill them - not until we exercise lengthy due process. We must not attack and destroy the cities and armies of those nations who fund, plan and supply the arms that kill us - especially not if they are building and hiding WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) including NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical). We must be 'understanding' and use diplomacy to plead with them to stand down their plans to subjugate the entire non-Muslim world and bring their Shari'a laws upon us.

    Above all, we must be patient with the Saudis and not misinterpret their funding of strict Muslim schools (called "Madrassas") all over the world, where the curriculum is basic hatred for the Judeo-Christian world and eventual world domination over all by Islam. We must forgive and forget that the Saudis, 'due to no fault of their own', funded global terror, including Osama Bin Laden and the families of the homicide bombers.

    We are told frequently how the Muslims and their religion of Islam is a peaceful religion, which means us no harm. Clearly, it is 'unfair' to profile Muslims and Middle Eastern men entering America's borders or before boarding an airplane within America. Just because Muslim Arabs have been the primary source of terrorist attacks is no reason to profile them as suspicious - even if they are taking photos of bridges, malls, subways, etc.

    I say to the 'understanding' Liberals who empathize and sympathize with the Muslim terrorists that I hope they personally reach out and visit the terrorists on their own turf. Perhaps they might get out alive, perhaps not. They certainly 'deserve' a chance to reach out and massage the heart of a terrorist - although they may lose their head in the bargain.

    Clearly, as the Left Liberals point out, it is all our fault, because we have simply 'misunderstood' the Muslim Arab terrorists and thought Islam had declared war on the West, especially Israel (who the Muslims called "The Little Satan") and America ("The Great Satan"). The backward, uneducated Arab Muslims who are taught to hate us do so not through any fault of their rulers, but rather because of us in the progressive world. All we have to do is close our universities, slow down our technology so the Arab Muslims can catch up and not feel frustrated. Surely, the terrorism would stop and the Left Liberals could go back to whatever Leftists do when they are not saving terrorists.

    If Israel and America would just follow the example of France, and Europe generally, they too would not have to be worried about being terrorized and hit with a nuclear device or other WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction), including NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical).

    If we would just stop hassling Iran or Syria, they would immediately cease building nukes and chemical warheads for missiles from North Korea and China. We simply must learn about the sensitive nature of the Arab Muslim mind and appeal to their good nature.

    Or so we are advised by our Left-Liberal friends.

    [If this offends some of our Left-Liberal friends - good! If this hurts some of the victims' families and friends, I am truly sorry, but let us put the blame where it belongs and end the Arab Muslim terrorists' right to pursue their happiness at our expense!]

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