The ‘dirty Economy’ of australia, page-2

  1. 7,633 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 54
    Definitely not an advanced economy .
    Our manufacturing and small business economy has been destroyed by high wages and bureaucratic add on costs .
    Can`t compete on wages.
    We are further crippled by bureaucratic overload in numbers and business destroying regulations
    Can`t compete on energy as a change away from coal energy to expensive and heavily subsidized gas raised energy costs well above inflation (compare US and China (
    Can`t build anything on budget (victoria the worst) due to above
    Crippled further by high immigration rates and the consequent destruction and overloading of infrastructure.
    Our education outputs are declining due to woke curriculum and poor quality teachers
    Just basically a big hole in the ground to ship our resources out while our bloated bureaucrats live off these temporarily high priced
    To repair : 1 freeze public services numbers and wages for five years . No public servant to earn more than PM at $500.000.
    2) Cut the waste from the budget and prune NDIS and other rorted schemes
    3) Withdraw subsidizes from expensive and intermittent wind and solar till they are efficient enough t stand on their own feet ( savings 6-10 billion )
    4) Limit immigration and keep to the truly useful not more welfare suckers.
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