balanced viewpoint, page-4

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    re: balanced viewpoint -roman The Palestine Hotel was blown up killing over 90 people 74 of which were civilians, and due to the success of this event shocking the world, terrorism has grown from this event to what we know today.

    Get your facts right.

    It was the King David Hotel.....(Jewish sounding name....was that a coincidence seeing as the Palestinians claim there was never a Jewish kingdom in Israel?) in Jerusalem.

    Next, it has been fully documented that a warning was received between 20-30 minutes prior to the bomb blowing up. (Do a Google search and see for yourself, Roman)

    The Brits however took the stand that no damn pesky Jews were going to tell them what to do.......

    The incident was roundly condemned by all Jews except the absolute fringe.

    In fact a short time later, the mainstream Jewish army, the Haggana/Palmach as it was known in those days, attacked the Irgun.....a civil war.....

    Clearly it shows that even though you use an example that is 60 years old, even then the Irgun....

    1. Warned that the building (which garrisoned the military headquarters of the Brits) was to be blown up.....

    2. Condemnation by Jews world wide followed (despite the fact that the Brits were in a defacto war with the Palestinian Jews........collaborated with the Arabs despite them being in cahoots with Hitler....the arch enemy of the Jews...and later of mankind.....and worse still had sent European Jews back to the gas chambers knowing full well what was in store for them.....

    3. Mainstream Jewish forces brought the various military groups under the control of the mainstream, thus bringing them in line.

    Now which of the Muslim countries.....or terror groups do that...even today?

    Bloody none!

    So enjoy your day off or whatever.......

    Your post was a really "shmocky" one.......half truths...but then that's what you're trying to become number one at.

    And I'll blow your cover each time...........
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