cash rate 25 bps to 3.25%, page-37

  1. 282 Posts.
    Excellent post & points Club_Sharer.

    It is vital that individual investors make themselves aware of what they are investing their own money in & how stable or threatened those investments are or will be. It is virtually impossible (unfortunately) now to get unbiased advise from people in the sector that are NOT vested in some way to the advise they give or sell you.
    Many shares are NOW over valued due to in part by the stimulus money put into the GLOBAL sharemarkets & tyhe Banks hoarding much of this NOT to lend out but to buy such things as shares.
    This idea of the world coming to rescue Australia by buying all our resources & we living happily ever after is fantastic but alas fanciful, money has been syphoned out by the TRILLIONS & some now think all we have to do is print money to replace it, if only it worked that way.
    As with every other honest person out there I cannot give a timing for all of this to unravel BUT I do know the piper will have to be paid & I know it won't be by the cretons that caused this, it will as always be burdoned on the working class with the most pain going to low income earners & pensioners.
    At some point the powers that be along with the ones who seem to live in fairyland that the working class cannot continue to support this ridiculously lop sided system where the worker also props up ANYTHING that's deemed worthy, whether it's through greed, ineptitude or whatever.
    Banks, big business & politicians all preach fair go, the only trouble with that is that they feel they shouldn't have to be held accountable for anything to anyone.
    This mentality left unimpeded will have serious repercussions for average people & it would do some on here good just to stop for a minute & research just how bad many sectors will immediately become once you factor out all the Stimulus (monopoly) Money sloshing around have NO idea just how bad this will get BUT in the 30 odd years I've been involved there has NEVER been anything like this before, not even the Great Depression, it's not just that the money has gone but nearly all of which was built on borrowed money.
    I've had my life, not that I'd be dead for quids but I truly feel for the average person & future generations, it seems apparent that many believe this is just another blip on the screen & are conducting business as in normal (or what's perceived as) conditions, unfortunately many will only learn by their own mistakes & naivity no matter what they're shown or told.
    Letting financial institutions self regulate themselves was a recipe for disaster from the outset, as many 25 pointed out. A one quarter percent increase is by number a small amount however one must consider the sum of money involved, once one starts multiplying by thousands, millions, billions & now trillions, one realise how much more money they are taking out of the system.
    It's scarey to think many have made a livlihood & been paid six or seven zero salaries to oversee the ruination of millions of peoples life savings, retirements & put chains around future generations.
    Anyone who thinks that's ok or defends it, believe me IS part of the overall problem.
    I wouldn't mind one bit if I'm proven totally & utterly wrong, in fact I'd be quite happy, all I want is to warn others that things are NOT as honky dory as they may seem & to do some independent research.
    Anyway, I wish you all the very best & hope you achieve your dream
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