russia going for preemptive strikes, page-16

  1. 1,481 Posts. russia will hit israel grant..interesting analyses but I think fundamentally flawed.

    With each and every muslim outrage...Israel becomes more and more firm in its resolve that Iran must not and cannot develop nuclear weapons

    The message being sent by 9/11, Spain & Beslan and that which is yet to come... that muslims can and will do ANYTHING and Israel being in such a vulnerable position - will see little options open to it

    What may well happen in the MEast anyway is that a loose association DOES form between the US/Israel and perhaps Soviet forces but more of the "look the other way, mate as we take care of business" alliance

    I rekon you are tight...Iran as well as the other mad mullahg led nutcases over there are going to become ever-increasingly isolated

    Unfortunately, this will probaly lead to greater and greater acts of barbarism.

    How it ends.....???

    Maybe snooker can tell ya.......... :)
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