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    The Zionist's are in it up to their eyeballs,..they're the false Jews from the region of Khazaria who claimed Judaism as a state religion because they were burning to many of their children in sacrificial fires to demons around 600AD, their King Bulan was so scared and horrified he knew he needed to adopt one of the Abrahamic faiths to his society, so for political reasons he chose Judaism. The West being Christian and the East Muslim.

    These People of the Black and Caspian sea region still worship the Starry Hosts of Heaven, especially their elite who later became the so called Jews and the Banking Families of Europe, these over through kings with their wealth and gained control of Europe through their money and debt systems of control.
    They were forced West by the power of an emerging Russia in the dark ages around the turn of the first Millenium AD, where they passed themselves off as the "Original Israelites" gaining a powerful foothold in Europe, under that disguise were even favoured by their host Christian Nations, because the Christian is taught to honor and protect God's people of the old testament and never oppose them, they used this to gain advantage and claim of anti semitism when under any suspicion.
    This occult inspired wandering nation found great opportunity in a naive and unorganised Europe that was divided into little principalities at war most times and an easy target of the Yiddish money lenders like the Rothschilds and a few others.
    After gaining control of wealth, they then just married into the royal families of Europe and the job of acquisition was done, what we have now is the further expansion of that into total global control, that has been achieve through the expansion of the so called "good Democracy" always well under control behind the scenes assisted by their media, the mind control of a two party system. The Jesuit Catholic elite also got into bed with them as well, benefitting from the wealth and expansion opportunities of state approved religion also providing puppet Gentile democratic leaders for their cause.
    This now has morphed into the development of World Government control through them which was always their long term plan, to control the world through a system whereby no man can buy or sell without the Mark, which is their mark, the mark of Lucifer who is their God.
    They usurped the identity of true Israel and overthrew the world through deception, gile, wars and debt blackmail, this is the NWO.
    The Bible has got these crafty ones covered all the same, in Revelation Jesus calls these one's out, The Jews that claim to be Jews, which are not!
    I ask you then, ....just who are the true racists of this world and the reason for all the world wars etc?

    Last edited by LizzyBee: 24/11/21
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