TLG 4.94% 42.5¢ talga group ltd

Ann: 2021 AGM Presentation, page-73

  1. 1,813 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3844
    If Permits etc. play out, long term TLG will be worth more than NVX, as they will be producing more. NVX are de-risked hence the large gap in SP at the moment. I know you're playing games, but if not then you need to pump the brakes and settle down.

    First coated anode production plant in Europe by Q1 2022, with installation in progress right now. I'd say that despite your claims, this here is a good example that Talga are actually one of the front runners.
    Last edited by Gvan: 26/11/21
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Mkt cap ! $182.4M
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43.0¢ 43.0¢ 41.0¢ $92.59K 219.8K

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3 27975 41.0¢

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42.5¢ 10299 1
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