Is there anyone here that has regrets getting the Covid vaccine, page-412

  1. 86,572 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    I've given up on reb -- I'll put up the occasional reminder - but, I think we are losing or lost a friend.

    anyway -------------- here's something that I really didn't want to read ---------

    I spoke really early in the Covid story about my fears of this thing - looking like a 'slow' mutator - I'd never trust something ----------- deceptive things can change very quickly ---

    Covid has always been pretty tame ------ unless you were one of the poor buggers who got the symptoms badly ------

    but, - the world is full of virus that can give party surprises at any time - if one thought about the world that we share with god knows what pathogens ------------ we'd all be anxiety ridden - all the time.

    "When the virus is studied from another direction — by exploring the nucleocapsid, another viral protein which contributes to viral replication, rather than the spike protein — Palmer says her team found Omicron may have been created by what's called a "recombination" – a supercharged love child of the early Alpha variant plus Delta, something that has not been found in SARS-CoV-2 until now.
    "We're very, very concerned," Palmer says, relaying the discovery with a calm and measured voice that belies its seriousness. "It indicates that possibly we could see that variants can recombine and if somebody is infected with two variants there could be a recombination that could lead to a more pathogenic and infectious virus."
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